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Tritticali at Freddy’s – March 22 9pm

with special guest Tom Swafford
Tritticali becomes Quadritritticali. Tom Swafford, violinist and composer extraordinaire will be joining us for the first performance of “Mis(fit)”, an original string quartet by Leanne Darling, combining modern classical, blues with a rousing middle eastern finish. We’ll also play “Lost Spring”, an original quartet by Helen Yee, as well as a new Spanish arrangement by Tom.

We’re excited to play at the new location of this beloved Brooklyn venue. Freddy’s is in the heart of Park Slope on 5th ave. between 17th and 18th St.  Hope to see you there!

Tritticali @ Freddy’s Backroom
Friday, March 22, 2013
9:00pm – All Ages
627 5th Ave between 17th & 18th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11215