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Audio & Video

“Who Knows Yet” from a Trio Tritticali performance at Brooklyn Conservatory, May 2012, with Leanne Darling on viola, Helen Yee on violin, Loren Kiyoshi Dempster (composer) on cello.

“Circle” from a Trio Tritticali performance at Brooklyn Conservatory, May 2012, with Leanne Darling (composer) on viola, Helen Yee (composer) on violin, Loren Kiyoshi Dempster on cello.

“Off Kilter” from a Trio Tritticali performance at Brooklyn Conservatory, May 2012, with Leanne Darling on viola, Helen Yee (composer) on violin, Loren Kiyoshi Dempster on cello.

Excerpts from a Trio Tritticali performance December 2010, with Leanne Darling on viola, Helen Yee on violin, Loren Dempster on cello.

For a trip down memory lane, here are some clips with Martha.