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Tritticali’s CD has received a nice review in Seattle Jazz Scene. Andrew Freund calls Trio Tritticali’s sound “… comfortable, organic, cohesive, and insidiously thrilling.”
An excerpt:
Trio Tritticali is both daring and conversational, a fascinating combination. They traffic in sensual release, but in the context of formal restraint. Their CD matches band originals and arrangements to Jobim’s Corcovado and Oliver Nelson’s Stolen Moments, visiting Argentine tango and keening Near Eastern mysteries, along with evocations of traditional Japan and other ports of call. Sometimes redolent of the hippest of salons, the music finds time to swing, while telling one overall, sly, knowing story.
Thanks for the kind words, Mr. Freund! Read the full review in Seattle Jazz Scene here.
We want to boldly go where we haven’t before and spread our unique sound to the West Coast! Concert dates in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Bozeman have been booked, and we are very excited to play in these splendid cities and spread the word on how awesome a string trio can sound playing all different styles of music. With your contribution to our Indiegogo campaign, you can help us cover our tour expenses and complete our mission!
Our concert dates and venues:
San Francisco: Saturday, August 16th
Nichiren Hokke Buddhist Church- https://plus.google.com/104862082349738222718/about?gl=us&hl=en
2016 Pine St in Japantown
7 p.m. Performance
8 p.m. Refreshments and live music by Trio Tritticali
$15 suggested donation
Reserve your seats in advance by emailing: dahlia.nayar@gmail.com
Portland: Tuesday, August 19th
Performance Works NW- http://pwnw-pdx.org/
4625 SE 67th Ave
7:30 p.m. Performance
8:30 Refreshments and live music by Trio Tritticali
$10-20 at the door
Reserve your seats in advance by emailing: dahlia.nayar@gmail.com
Seattle: Wednesday, August 20th
The Chapel- http://www.waywardmusic.org/event/trio-tritticali/
4649 Sunnyside Ave
8 p.m: Trio Tritticali
9 p.m: Performance of “2125 Stanley Street”
$5-15 at the door
Reserve yours seats in advance by emailing dahlia.nayar@gmail.com
Bozeman: Sunday, August 24, 2014 – 4:00pm.
Wild Joe’s Coffee Spot, 18 Main St. Bozeman Montana.
Click on the picture below to find out more and help us out if you are able. Many thanks in advance.

“On a String and a Prayer” is a spirited evening of dance, music and storytelling that celebrates Spring in the tradition of the Seasonal Saturday Sanctuary Salon Series at Seven. The Salon will feature violist, Leanne Darling, cellist Loren Dempster, and violinist, Helen Yee. Helen, Leanne and Loren are from the acclaimed Trio Triticalli, known for “going where no string trio has gone before!” The dancers and musicians will explore ideas that blur the lines between dancer and musician, and which comes first-movement or music? In the tradition of Mark Lamb Dance the musicians often times put down their instruments and dance, or sometimes, even dance while they play. Other performers will include dancers and choreographers Edwardo Brito, Madison Krekel, Mark Lamb, Sarah Pope, and Jennifer Wilenta.
05/10/14 –
Seasonal Saturday Sanctuary Salon Series Event
“On a String and a Prayer”
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Mark Lamb Dance and Metro Baptist Church
410 West 40th street (9th / 10th Aves)
New York, NY, USA
Tritticali just got a really nice write-up about our recent show at Cafe Vivaldi. Lucid Culture writes:
“Combining the exacting virtuosity of a classical ensemble with the wild improvisational edge of a jazz band, there’s no other group like them in the New York area.”
Check out the rest of the review here, and hope to see you at our next show!

We’re looking forward to our season opener at Caffe Vivaldi. We’ll be playing our usual eclectic mix of tunes, original, jazz, world and funk. The video is a declaration of our mission, from our May performance.
It’s a preview of our concert opening piece in May 2012 at the Brooklyn Conservatory. The video will take you to Facebook, but we’ll be putting up a few videos up elsewhere on the web soon. And while you’re in Facebook-land, you can “Like” Trio Tritticali too!
Trio Tritticali
Tuesday, August 28, 9:30-11pm
Caffe Vivaldi,
32 Jones Street
New York, NY 10014

Trio Tritticali is throwing a party to celebrate our CD, Issue #1 and we’ll have a special guest, Todd Isler on drums and percussion. The Quadro-Tritticali sound adds extra dimension to a set of our tunes, and we’re freakin’ stoked to have you hear that. The details on our performance / celebration are below. There will be two sets of music, refreshments and plenty of fun. I do hope we’ll see you there.
Trio Tritticali CD Release Party
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 — 7:30 pm
Brooklyn Conservatory of Music
58 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, New York
$10 adults / $5 students
for more info, visit bqcm.org
 Cherry blossoms in Linger Cafe's garden
This month at Linger we don’t know exactly what we’ll have in store for you. Maybe we’ll have some ‘double bow’ tunes courtesy of our cellist, Loren Dempster, perhaps our seasonal favorite Sakura in mixed meter, perhaps some previews of our upcoming Roulette show on April 22 with Chris Ferris Dance? What we do know: this is a comfortable, casual setting where we can experiment and surprise your ears, and Jessica can make your taste buds and tummy happy. We hope you’ll come on out to enjoy brunch with us!
Sunday, April 15, 2012, 1-3pm
Linger Café and Lounge
533 Atlantic Avenue (between 3rd – 4th Avs)
Brooklyn, NY, USA 11217

Here a snap of us in our porkpie hats doing our November homage to ska, “A Message to You Rudy.” We continue our residency this month at Linger Cafe and Lounge, bringing back some old favorites, including the African-inspired Issue #2, swinging Bernie’s Tune, some Piazzolla with Libertango, and the Arabic pop favorite, Azizah. Come join us for brunch and more!
Event |
January “jazz” brunch
When |
Sunday, January 22, 2012
2:00pm – All Ages
Where |
533 Atlantic Avenue (between 3rd – 4th Avs)
Brooklyn, NY, USA 11217
Lucid Culture reviewed Trio Tritticali’s debut album, and we’re honored to be named as one of the best albums of 2011.
“…Trio Tritticali have just released their new Issue # 1, one of the most gripping, intelligent, richly eclectic albums of recent years. Drawing on elements as diverse as Egyptian dance vamps, the baroque, bossa nova, tango and European Romantic chamber music, they blend those styles together seamlessly and imaginatively for a bracingly intricate sound that’s uniquely their own.”
“…This is one of those albums where every time you listen to it, you’ll discover something new – you can get lost in this music. With compositions like this, it won’t be long before Trio Tritticali will be playing big stages like Symphony Space; for the moment, you can catch them at low-key Brooklyn brunch spot Linger Cafe…”
You can read the full review here.
And yes, we’re playing Linger Cafe on Sunday, December 11 at 2pm.
 Trio Tritticali with Doug, the mascot of Trick Dog Recording
 Tritticali recording our new CD
In late April, Trio Tritticali jumped into a car and drove to Trick Dog Recording, in scenic Glen Spey, New York to begin work on our new CD. Paul Mitchell, engineer extraordinaire, had recorded two of Invert’s releases as well as Leanne’s solo CD a few years ago, so we are sure we are in good hands. We’re now in the process of editing and mixing the CD with Paul, and we’re hoping to have a finished product sometime this summer. Stayed tuned!